Mole Express

It's my birthday today* (*in fact tomorrow, I am writing this a day ahead) so I am taking the day off, but I didn't want to leave you with nothing to read. Fortunately, my sister found some back issues of the Mole Express, the newsletter I used to write on my mother's typewriter when I was 13 (yes, I have been doing this a long time) so I thought I would share a few extracts with you. (The Mole Express was so-named because one of my brother's nicknames for me was Mole, because I was short-sighted. I liked that the initials of the newsletter spelled ME. The references to 'yeti' refer to another of my brother's nicknames for me, because when I was little I had a lot of body hair. A brother is a great blessing in life.) Reading it over now, I'm not sure my preoccupations have changed much.  Note the eerie prescience of the editorial: 

Some letters from readers: 

I wonder whether Mrs Ivy Teapot of North Wales might one day make a reappearance in this newsletter?  Ad break!

A bit of, ah, pshycology! 

(With a cameo from one Mr F le Fax, though I didn't include the whole story as it wasn't as funny as I thought it was when I was 13.)  And lastly, "boring but meaningful poets corner"! 


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